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183 video(s) found
How to Crimp Anderson Terminals
How to crimp anderson connectors for 18awg wires, in full detail.
KOBE BOT, SCUTTLE Trick Shots: MXET 300 Team 'Kobe bot' (2020)
Airflow Sensing Greenhouse Bot by FloBotics
Flobotics Engineering Showcase Video from 2022. Team: A capstone ...
TiM$10K Challenge 2021 - Texas A&M Team VALE
The VALE robot was built by the capstone team BAST, at Texas A&M ...
Payload Test - SCUTTLE carries a Huge Rock!
Demonstration with SCUTTLE at the mall carrying a rock bench. Exact ...
SCUTTLE Robot - Ready Designs for Easy 3D Printable Attachments
Quick tips for using the pre-designed brackets to create your own ...
Personal Videographer Robot: MXET 300 (2022)
Big thanks to Luke B and Aaron L for making this project next-level ...
Press in the Wheel Bearings & Glue Wheel Pulleys
how to glue the wheel pulleys properly and how to press in the ...
Accelerometer / gyro bracket design for MPU6050
Design by Halid from Limenitis Reducta for the MPU6050 from ...
SCUTTLE Robot - How Proportional Feedback Control is Implemented (kp)
a demonstration and walkthrough of the calculation of kp and the ...
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