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183 video(s) found
SCUTTLE Robot - Upgrade i2C bracket for new PCB (retrofit) by gluing
SCUTTLE Project: MXET.github.io/SCUTTLE 3D CAD model for bracket: ...
Crimp Anderson Connectors & Build 12v Splitter Harness
SCUTTLE Project: mxet.github.io/SCUTTLE The proper method for crimping ...
Firefighting Project Demo by UTP Team
prototype with fire extinguish, facial recognition, fire sensing, temperature sensing, tilt-sensor for anti vandalism, and voice recognition.  UTM team submission in ROBOFUN 2023.
KOBE BOT, SCUTTLE Trick Shots: MXET 300 Team 'Kobe bot' (2020)
Wheel Slip with unlevel chassis
Robot information: https://github.com/dmalawey/Scuttle
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